義大利小提琴:Fiora Federico, 2006的詳細介紹 返回



Made in 產地:Italy - Cremona


Certificate - 證書:本人


Ratings 投資、收藏評鑑指數:


Narrate 敘述:

Foto di Fiora Federico


Born in Cremona May the 10th 1972. He graduated at the International violinmaking School of Cremona (I.P.I.A.L.L.) in June 1990 under the guide of master Ezio Scarpini and master Istvan Konya.
He attended the CEE (European Economic Community) laboratory under the guide of master Gio Batta Morassi until 1993.

He worked in his own laboratory in corso Matteotti nr. 31 until July 2000 and then he moved to his new workshop in Cremona in Corso Pietro Vacchelli nr. 29.

He works mostly on model of classic Cremonese school (Antonio Stradivari, Giuseppe Guarneri del Gesù, Nicolò Amati).
He took part in the "Concorso di Baveno" in 1995.

One of his violin was exposed at the exhibition in Cremona town hall "Sala dei decurioni", october 2001.



作 品 特 色: