義大利大提琴古琴:Scolari Giorgio, 1990的詳細介紹 返回

Made in 產地:Italy - Cremona


Certificate - 證書:本人


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Narrate 敘述:

Biography and artistic personality

     Giorgio Scolari was born in Casalbuttano, in the province of Cremona, on 5 January 1952, and lives and develops his activity as a master violin-maker in via Virgilio n. 1, in Cremona.

He attended the International School for Violin Makers in Cremona (IPIALL), where he earned his Diploma in 1970. He was a pupil of Pietro Sgarabotto and Gio Batta Morassi, the one and the other featuring amongst the protagonists of the renaissance of violin-making in Cremona. Scolari Giorgio's photo
From 1970 to 1976, Giorgio Scolari worked in Morassi workshop in Via Mantova; later he opened his own laboratory in via Trecchi. At present he works, together with his brother Daniele, in their new laboratory in via Virgilio, and is constantly researching new forms, more broadly sonorous, and mastering the technology of wood and the chemistry of varnishes.
From 1974 onwards he has been a teacher in the laboratory in the school where he was an attentive and conscientious pupil, where he is also assistant headmaster.
He has studied piano and organ and directs choral groups and instrumental ones; he also directs the orchestra of the International School.

His production is inspired by the great Cremonese masters of the past, using Amati, Stradivari and Guarneri as models along with his own, and principally his own, models.
Each instrument he constructs is the object of careful research and specific evaluation as far as choosing the wood, the cut and the sculpting are concerned, with particular care taken over the thicknesses of the sound boxes and backs, in search of maximum acoustic values.
His varnish, produced in his own laboratory, is brilliant, soft and transparent, orange-gold in colour with a yellow undercoat, that evidences the marbling of the maple-wood and the veining of the sound box and is made up of essences and resins that are wholly natural.
The instruments that the master violin maker Scolari constructs are mainly violins, violas and cellos, devoting his efforts, upon request, to other string instruments such as double-basses, leg-held violas, guitars, lutes and so on. He also devotes his time to repair-work, with specific competence, of any bow instrument.

His workshop, sited in the historical centre of Cremona, is the destination for many pupils of violin-making and many musicians to whom he dedicates some of his time, not begrudging advice on the art of violin construction, in an open-hearted rapport that is rich in human facets...

His thoughts on art

Art is the ability to translate one own emotions, impulses and sensitivity into sounds, harmonies, rhythms, colours or images; in a word the need to give life and form to one own inner world.

His thoughts on life

The only joy in the world is to communicate. It is beautiful to live, because living is always beginning again, at every instant.



Claude Lebet, Dictionnaire universel des liuthers, Les Amis de la musique - editions Bruxelles;
Gualtiero Nicolini Quarant'anni di storia della Scuola Internazionale di Liuteria;
Gualtiero Nicolini Liutai italiani di ieri e di oggi, ed. Stradivari, Cremona
Gualtiero Nicolini - Giorgio Scolari, Come nasce un violino, ed. Stradivari, Cremona.

Giorgio Scolari 於 1952 年 1 月 5 日出生於 Casalbuttano (Cremona)。他進入 Cremona 的國際製琴學院時,師事 Pietro Sgarabotto 及 Gio Batta Morassi 兩位大師,並於 1970 年取得文憑。從 1970 年至 1976 年,他都在 Morassi 於 Via Mantova 的工作室中工作,之後才在 Via Trecchi 8 成立自己的工作室。Giorgio Scolari 目前和他的弟弟 Daniele 在位於 Via Virgilio 1 的新工作室一起製琴。他不斷地在尋找新方式來提升音質,並且透過學習來拓展自己對木材技術、化學、琴漆以及樂器之自然聲學的瞭解。

從 1974 年開始,Giorgio Scolari 便在製琴學校擔任教職,他描述自己學生上課時都很認真傾聽。他同時也擔任學校的副院長。Giorgio Scolari 曾經學過管風琴、鋼琴和樂曲,且在數個合唱團都有擔任指揮的密集行程。

Giorgio Scolari 的作品遵循過往著名的 Cremona 大師的風格;他使用 Amati、Stradivari、Guarneri 的模子來製琴,有時也使用自己的模子。他製作的每把樂器都是大家仔細研究的主題。他在自身工作室研發的琴漆,不但色澤明亮、柔和且富有透明感。他也會為弦樂器進行專業的修復。

Giorgio Scolari曾擔任數種專業的職務:


Cremona 製琴工作室 (C.F.P.) 的內部協調員

Cremona 省工匠聯盟的製琴組織的會長

製琴家與製弓家 A. Stradivar Cremona 聯合組織的會長


1968-70 年,榮獲 Cremona 製琴學院金勳獎並為當時最優秀的學生

1971 年,榮獲第四屆 Cremona 製琴比賽金牌

1971年,榮獲 Bagnacavallo 第二屆青年製琴比賽金牌

1976年,榮獲 Cremona ANLAI 協會所舉辦的第一屆製琴比賽金牌


作 品 特 色: