Italy old violin:Pietro Sgarabotto - 1950 (show in book)的詳細介紹 返回



Made in:Italy - Parma
Year :Violin 1950
Certificate :Tav.20
Narrate :






Gaetano Sgarabotto 1878- 1959 was born in Vicenza. His son Pietro Sgarabotto 1903–1990 born in Milan, retired 1971, but still produced masterworks as late as 1979; both worked for their whole life in Italy as master violinmakers.

Gaetano S. worked initially in the city of Vicenza for many years before moving to Milan in 1901 to work for Leandro Bisiach. He moved to Parma in 1926, where he stayed almost without interruptions until his death in 1959.

His son, Pietro, continued in his father’s profession and also became a master violinmaker in his own right. Today one speaks within initiated circles with the utmost admiration of the brief, but prestigious dynasty of violinmakers Sgarabotti. This refers to the historical presence of both these masters who, apart from creating their own master instruments, spent much of their time passing on experience to young violin makers.

Indeed the activity of the Sgarabotto makers was very influential in the violin making school of Parma, Cremona and elsewhere. Much could be said about their combined influence on the cultural heritage within the musical world of string instruments, and of the enormous regard and esteem with which all their students and musicians held the masters. The greatest interest by posterity, of course, centers on their combined oeuvre, on the set of master violins from their hand left for us to play and admire.

The works of both the Sgarabotto makers can be readily identified by their meticulous choice of materials, the workmanship always being exquisitely “manual” in every phase of the making of each instrument, and showing extreme precision and loving care to detail.

The violin making of the Sgarabotto makers is always graceful, that of the father Gaetano said to be presenting a lighter touch whilst the graduation used by Pietro is more consistent. The sonority and general musical quality of these master violins of course shall forever be residing in their handling by the musicians and experts who are fortunate enough to play a Sgarabotto violin, viola, violoncello…



Pietoro Sgarabotto 1950,shown in the pag 100 ~P.103 of GAETANO&PIETRO SGARABOTTOP.

The violin is very worth to treasures,it's a certified violin of Pietoro Sgarabotto series.


violinist - David Oistrakh(centre),Pietro Sgarabotto ( right 1) ,the left one is Gio Batta Morassi Giuseppe Ornati(right 2),Pietro Sgarabotto (right 1),the left of Ornani isGio Batta Morassi


Maestro Pietro Sgarabotto during a lesson at the "A. Boito" Academy of Music.






Feature :


Four periodsVicenza、Milan、Parma、Brescia






Violin - 1899 ( Vicenza )







Violin -1915 ( Milan )






Violin -1927 ( Parma )










Violin -1954 ( Brescia )




Pietro Sgarabotto works





Violin -1949 ( Parma )