Ardoli Massimo的詳細介紹 返回



Made in - 產地:Italy - Cremona
Year - 年份 : 1962~
Narrate - 敘述:

He was born in Cremona in 1962. From 1978 to 1982, he attended the International Violinmaking School of Cremona, when he obtained his diploma under the guidance of Master GioBatta Morassi. Very important for his artistic development was his relationship with master Giorgio Scolari.

He has taken part at several competitions getting good placement, expecially at the Triennale of Cremona in 1989 and in 1992. Since 1986, he has worked in his workshop located in Cremona, which it is a centre for musicians and national and international school groups.

Every instrument undergoes a severe examination before leaving his workshop, because he usually guarantees the authenicity on a "Certificate of Authenticity", which also includes the construction method and the sound.
He makes classical and personal models with a golden yellow orange varnish.

From 1997 he is a teacher at the International Violinmaknig School of Cremona.


他出生於1962年在克里蒙納。1978年到1982年期間,他就讀於克里蒙納的國際製琴學校,並在製琴大師GioBatta Morassi指導之下取得製琴文憑 。對他藝術發展非常重要的一環就是他跟大師Giorgio Scolari的關係 他參加的比賽都獲得不錯的成績,尤其是1989~1992年在克里蒙納的這三年。自1986年以來,他在克里蒙納開設自己的工作室。

他的琴在出貨之前都會經過很嚴厲的檢查,因為他通常很保證證書的真實性。 這部分包括製作方式以及聲音。他使用復古以及個人的板模,並使用金黃橘色的漆。 1997年起,他就在克里蒙納製琴學校教書。


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