Gaetano Sgarabotto的詳細介紹 返回


Made in - 產地:Italy - Vicenza
Year - 年份: 1878-1959                                                   
Narrate - 敘述:


Gaetano Sgarabotto, another of Leandro Bisiach's pupils was born in 1878 in Vicenza; while still very young he had demonstrated a talent for violin-making. After his experience in Milan, Gaetano moved to Parma in 1926 and two years later was given the task of directing the School of Violin-Making which had been annexed to the Conservatory of Music.

The School concluded its experience after nine years, in 1937, but in the meantime had distinguished itself for the quality of its teaching. The proof of this is that luthiers such as Sesto Rocchi, Raffaele Vaccari and of course Gaetano's son Pietro were among its pupils. Gaeatano was a most prolific and eclectic maker, and created instruments drawing inspiration from many different authors. Among this great variety of styles it is interesting to note his preference for the Amatis' models, as well as the rather frequent use of Guadagnini forms. After the closure of the School Gaetano lived in Parma for long periods, from 1942 'till 1948 and again from 1957 until his death in 1959.

His son Pietro, who was also a musician, lived and worked at length in Parma before being called to teach in the school of Cremona.
For almost half a century, this experience of the first public School of violin-making seemed to have died out forever. But evidently the memory of this tradition was still alive because in 1975 the School returned to its place in the Conservatory under the direction of Renato Scrollavezza.


Gaetano Sgarabotto,另一個Leandro Bisiach的學生,生於1878年的Vicenza; 在他還很年輕的時候,就展現出過人的天賦在小提琴製造上。在Milan待過之後,Gaetano在1926年就搬到Parma,而在幾年之後就到製琴學校任教。

一直到1937年,Gaetano在學校一共教了9年,同時,他也發覺自己在教學上的特質。最好的證明就是他教出了Sesto Rocchi, Raffaele Vaccari 以及他的兒子 Pietro Sgarabotto這些學生。Gaeatano是一個豐富且兼收並蓄的製琴師,並從許多不同的作者那裡得到製作模板的靈感。在許多知名的模板之中他最感興趣的就是最著名的Amati模板,而他也很常使用Guadagnini的模板。結束了在學校的任教之後,Gaetano從1942~1948住在Parma一段時間。Gaetano於1959年逝世。

他的兒子Pietro也是個音樂家,在去克里蒙納教書之前,他都在Parma生活。近半個世紀以來,第一間公立的製琴學校在這方面的經驗傳承似乎消失了。不過在Renato Scrollavezza的指導之下,傳統的記憶似乎還是存在的。


Gaetano Sgarabotto & Pietro Sgarabotto父子合照



此書介紹Gaetano Sgarabotto & Pietro Sgarabotto的作品


作 品 特 色:





Violin - 1899 ( Vicenza時期 )














Violin -1915 ( Milan時期 )













Violin -1927 ( Parma時期 )















Violin -1954 ( Brescia時期 )









Cello -1910








Cello -1910