義大利小提琴:Roberto Collini, 2006的詳細介紹 返回



Made in 產地:Italy - Cremona



Certificate - 證書:本人



Ratings 投資、收藏評鑑指數:



Narrate 敘述:


Roberto Collini has been dedicating himself playing violin since he was a child. In 1979, he began attending the International Violinmaking School of Cremona getting the highest score in his final exams in 1982. Overthere, he studied with Master Giorgio Scolari, completing his apprenticeship in his Master's workshop.

Actually, he is working in Crema (Cremona) since 1983; for several years he has continued completing his professional training by an artistic point of view - as well as getting a greater knowledge of classical instruments thanks to two of the most famous italian violinmakers, like Arnaldo Morano and GioBatta Morassi. In the same period of time, he got his bowmaker diploma, in 1986, under Master Giovanni Lucchi guidance. Very famous musicians are playing his instruments, like M. Antonello Farulli, Marco Fornaciari, Emanuele Rossi, Graziano Beluffi, Daniele Gay, Andrea Leporati and several musicians of The Scala Theatre, The Tuscany Orchestra, The Fenice Theatre, The Verona Arena and The SanRemo Orchestra. In 1996, he gave a quartet made for Turin Bow Quartet.



He has been officially recognized in many violinmaking competitions:

1984 - Gold medal at the Bagnacavallo Competition 'Young Violinmaker's Competition' for his violin。

1985 - Eighth position at the Cremona International Triennale, for his viola。

1987 - Prize for the best violin sound at the Contemporary Violinmaker's Exhibition。

1988 - Silver medal for his violin, silver medal for his viola, fifth position for his cello at the Fifth Cremona International Triennale。

1988 - Gold medal for his violin at the Thirteenth Bagnacavallo Violinmaking Competition。

1989 - Bronze medal for his viola at the Baveno Competition。

1990 - First prize for his violin at the Fourteenth Bagnacavallo Two-yearly Competition。

1991 - Silver medal for his viola at the Baveno Competition。

1992 - Gold medal for his viola at the Bagnacavallo Competition。

1993 - Bronze medal for his viola at the International Competition in Mittenwald (Germany)。

1993 - Stauffer prize at the Baveno Competition; 1995 - Gold medal for his viola at the Baveno Competition; 1996 - Merit Certificate for his violin's tone at the twelfth International Competition "Violin Society of America", in Albuquerque (New Mexico)。

1997 - Gold medal for his violin, gold medal for his cello at the Baveno Competition; top prize - BAVENO- and gold medal at the Baveno Competition. 


         Roberto Collini 自年幼時便開始學習小提琴,在 1979 年時,開始到 Cremona 製琴學院學習製琴技術,在 Giorgio Scolari 指導下於 1983 年畢業,受到學校相當大的肯定。當他在學時,便在 Giorgio Scolari 工作室中工作,亦在這裡告別他的學徒時期。


        1983 年時,他在 Cremona 開設自己的工作室,之後有許多年他和兩位世界上最知名的製琴家在一起學習:Arnaldo Morano (成為大師的主力學生) 及 Gio Batta Morassi,這兩位大師都富有藝術觀點,且對古典樂器都有相當的瞭解。

        許多知名的獨奏家都使用他的樂器,包括 Antonello Farulli、Marco Fornaciari、Emanuele Rossi 等諸位大師。1996 年,他受到 Turin 弦樂四重奏樂團的委託製作四重奏樂器。他也在下列的製琴比賽中獲得許多的獎項:

        1984年,榮獲 Bagnacavallo 青年製琴比賽小提琴金牌











        1996年,榮獲新墨西哥Albuquerque的第十二屆Violin Society of America頒發美聲獎證書




作 品 特 色: