Giovanni Grancino的詳細介紹 返回

Made in - 產地:Italy - Milan
Year - 年份 : 1637-1709
Narrate - 敘述:


Giovanni Grancino (1637-1709), son of Andrea Grancino, was one of the early Milanese luthiers, and may have worked with brother, Francesco.

Grancino's workshops were all located on Contrada Larga, now Via Larga in Milan. His instruments all bear the characteristic il segno della corona (mark of the crown).

Although the luthiers of Milan created instruments of varying quality, Grancino's violins, violas and cellos were considered superior. Grancino used a varnish which was a finely textured clear yellow to pale brown color.

Grancino's early instrument patterns and designs were influenced by Niccolò Amati, whose impressive works influenced many Italian luthiers of the period. However, Grancino's later efforts show the flatter arching and narrower influence of Stradivari. Grancino's cellos tend to be larger, yet with a clear sound indicative of the Italian luthiers.

Grancino's was succeeded by members of the Testore family, with the eldest, Carlo Giuseppe Testore, fabricating a violin for Grancino, now housed in the National Music Museum on the campus of the University of South Dakota.


Giovanni Grancino以及他的兒子Andrea Grancino是米蘭學派早期的製琴師,且可能與他們的兄弟Francesco一起工作。Grancino的工作室位於Contrada Larga,也就是現在米蘭的Via Larga。他所製作的樂器都會有著皇冠的標記。



Grancino早期作品收到Niccolò Amati的影響很大,Niccolò Amati的作品在那個時期影響了很多製琴師。然而,在那之後的作品特色則是受到Stradivari的影響。Grancino的大提琴做的較大,其顯明的聲音表演出義大利製琴師的特色。


而Grancino自己對Testore家族也有著很大的影響,其中最大的Carlo Giuseppe Testore為自己的老師Grancino製作了一把琴,這把琴現在在南Dakota大學的國立音樂博物館裡面。




米蘭學派的發展,始於喬凡尼.格蘭奇諾(Giovanni Grancino,1637-1709),其獨特的製琴風格,為往後米蘭製琴發展的立下了一個指標,並將傑出工藝傳承給學徒卡洛.朱塞佩.泰斯托瑞(Carlo Guiseppe Testore, c1665-1716)。
        傳說喬凡尼.格蘭奇諾是尼可羅.阿瑪蒂(Nicolo Amato, 1596-1684)學生,但在材料的選用、漆色、漆質及結構設計上,卻與阿瑪蒂琴大相逕庭。也許如此,使得米蘭學派製琴獨樹一格,從1680年代至1820年代,持續風行在北義大利米蘭。
        所有重大轉變在於 1708 年,喬凡尼的兒子喬凡尼‧巴提斯塔‧葛蘭奇諾(Giovanni Battista Grancino, 1673-c1730) 在一次爭執中,誤殺了安東尼奧‧馬利安‧拉凡賽(Antonio Maria Lavazza, 1683-1708),雖然兒子未被判處死刑,不過隔年老喬凡尼過世後, 喬凡尼‧巴提斯塔財產充公、取消營業執照,其工作室改由學徒卡洛.朱塞佩.泰斯托瑞(Carlo Guiseppe Testore, c1665-1716)接管,喬凡尼‧巴提斯塔只能私下偷偷做琴。

Giovanni Grancino往年作品行情


Giovanni Grancino was born in Milan in 1637 and died there in 1709.  The son of a violin maker, Giovanni Grancino ran a large shop near the Duomo. He employed many apprentices and assistants, among them Carlo Giuseppe Testore of Novara, who went on to become the founder of an important dynasty of Milanese makers. Giovanni Grancino's instruments have increased at an average annual rate of 10.4%


作 品 特 色:






Grancino Giovanni & Francesco  ca1680, Milan









Grancino Giovanni  1695, Milan