Agostinelli Luigi的詳細介紹 返回
Agostinelli Luigi
Born at Gubbio (Italy), 1872. Professional musician. Interned during the Second World War at Kenya (Africa), and made several stringed instruments for the orchestra at the camp. Returned to Italy 1944, and settled at Torre Pellice (Turin).
Violins made by an enthusiastic woodworker. Splendid modeling in Cremonese and Neapolitan styles. Thickness etc. diligently investigated to bring forth a pellucidly clear tone.
Agostinelli Luigi出生於1872年的義大利Gubbio。一位專業的音樂家。在二次大戰的時候被拘留在非洲肯亞,在那邊的收留營中做了一些弦樂器,在1944年的時候回到義大利,然後定居在Torre Pellice。小提琴是由一位積極的木工所做,有著顯著克里蒙納及那不勒斯的樣子,為了要使小提琴發出明亮清澈的聲音,做了很多仔細的調查,例如說厚度等等。