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Arezio Claudio 1955-

Inizia ad occuparsi di liuteria nel 1979 sotto la guida del maestro Igino Sderci e di Roberto Ignesti, suo allievo. Ha partecipato ai Concorsi di Bagnacavallo e Baveno. Costruisce violini, viole e violoncelli ispirandosi ai modelli classici della scuola cremonese del ‘700; usa una vernice mista alcool-olio rosso bruna trasparente. Si occupa anche del restauro di strumenti.
He began to work on stringed instruments in 1979 under the guidance of the teacher Igino Sderci and Roberto Ignesti, his pupil. He has participated in competitions and Bagnacavallo Baveno. Builds violins, violas and cellos inspired by the classic models of the Cremonese school of'700 uses a paint mixed alcohol-oil red brown transparent. It takes care of the restoration of instruments.
He started perfectioning the art of violin making in 1979 under the guidance of M° Roberto Ignesti and M° Igino Sderci. He builds modern and baroque violins, violas and cellos in the style of the XVIII century cremonese school, and he uses the original models of M° Carlo Bisiach coming from the workshop of Igino Sderci.
Claudio Arezio has been commissioned by the" Museo della Galleria dell' Accademia in Florence "to scientifically catalogue the well know string instruments collection, once belonging to the   Medici - Lorena Court. Among which there are the tenor viola and the cello which were part of the Quintett built by Antonio Stradivari in 1690 for Ferdinando De' Medici and other instruments built by leading Italian maestros of XVII and XVIII century. He also restores and adjusts instruments.
An inside mold is used, as in the Italian classical tradition of violin making. All the work is by hand, so as to be able to constantly check the various phases of building. A natural essence resin varnish is then applied. This formula was found in the correspondence between the Bisiach brothers and Igino Sderci during their collaboration between the 1920s and the 1950s.
Claudio Arezio於1955年出生在佛羅倫斯,他在1979年從佛羅倫斯的建築學院畢業後,就在Robertor Ignesti & Igino Sderci的門下開始製作提琴。他所製作的包含現代及巴洛克時期的小提琴、中提琴與大提琴都是遵循18th 克里蒙納學校的風格。使用的模型也是來自Igino Sderci 工作室留下來Carlo Bisiach大師所使用的模型。
最近又受聘於佛羅倫斯藝術學院裡的博物館,負責編錄來Medici-Lorena Court的名家弦樂器收藏品。這些收藏品中包含了史特拉底瓦里於1690年為Ferdinando de` Medici所製作五重奏裡的一把中音中提琴及一把大提琴,還有其他非常有名的17th~18th義大利大師所製作的樂器。他在佛羅倫斯的工作室不但製作同時也維修及調整樂器。
就如同傳統義大利的小提琴製法,他所使用的製琴方式是內模法。他所有的作品皆是手工製作,這樣一來他便可以不斷的在製琴的過程中檢查,已使他的作品呈現最精細的結果。他所使用的紅橘色漆料成分相似於Bisiach 兄弟和 Igino Sderci 在1920~1950年間的共同研究琴漆成分。