Balizarini Pier Angelo的詳細介紹 返回
Balizarini Pier Angelo 1962~199?
Dal 1976 al 1980 frequenta la Sculola di Liuteria di Cremona, dove ha come docenti I maestro Pistoni, Zambelli e Bulfari. Lavora quindi con il maestroBelli per tre anni dedicandosi in particolare ai problemi dela scelta del legname e alle vernici. Ha ottenuto notevoli risultati in Concorsi Internazionali. Primo premio medaglia d’oro con un violomcello nel 1988 a Cremona alla V Triennale e, nello stesso Concorso, due premi speciali per lo strumento con la migliore sonorita (Primo Stauffer) e Premio Sacconi. In precedenza alla IV Triennale di Cremona aveva ottenuto il 2 premio, medaglia d’argento comuna viola e l’anno successivo a Poznan un premio per la miglior scultura deela testa. Modelli classici cremonesi. Dimostra una notevole personalita. Grande cura nei particolari. Bella vernice, buona rispondenza acustica.
Pier Angelo Balazarini was born in Cremona May 26, 1962. From 1976 to 1980 he attended the School of Violin Making in Cremona, His teachers were Primo Pistoni, Wanna Zambelli and Alceste Bulfari. Then works with teacher Belli for three years dedicated in particular to the problems of the choice of wood and paint. He has obtained considerable achievements in international competitions. He won a gold medal with a cello in 1988 at the Fifth Triennale competition in Cremona, and at the same competition, two special prizes for the instrument with the best soundtracks (Prime Stauffer) and Second Award. Classical Cremonese models. His works show a remarkable personality. Good paint, good noise compliance. He has made over one hundred instruments, taking approximately forty-five days to build a violin in the white and about one month to varnish
Pier Angelo Balazarini於1962年出生於義大利的克里蒙納。自1976到1980年進入克里蒙納製琴學院,跟著製琴大師Primo Pistoni, Wanna Zambelli及Alceste Bulfari學習。之後跟著他的老師Belli去學習挑選木頭以及上漆的技巧。他獲得了相當多的國際性獎項,例如説他以一把大提琴獲得了在克里蒙納所舉辦的第五屆Triennale比賽的金牌獎,在同一個比賽也以其他兩把樂器獲得了第二獎。琴的模板使用的是克里蒙納學派的,但也可以看出個人的特色,漆的品質相當好,音質也相當平均。到目前大概做了100把樂器,平均45天制出一把白琴,然後花上一個月來上漆。
From Danilo Bonina
Posted on August 21, 2005 at 07:49 PM
I knew Pier Balzarini personally. He unfortunately died a couple years ago from an Overdose! But I still remember him and his instruments very vividly. His mastery in making violins was phenomenal, and besides the quality of his work, his instruments have an absolutely wonderful and bright voice. Very rarely in my life I tried instruments made in the last 20 years comparable with those made by Balzarini. His violins are among the few in the 20th century that have that kind of magic in the sound typical of the Stradivari violins. Also, he was a beautiful person, very eccentric, but friendly, and always positive and it's a real tragedy that he died so young before his time.

Undoubtedly his instruments will be considered more and more important as years go by. Whoever owns a Balzarini instrument has to know that s/he is a lucky person. As a matter of fact, whoever would be intentioned in selling one of his violins, let me know immediately.
Thank you!