中提肩墊 : MACH ONE 楓木的詳細介紹 返回



 Made in - 產地:Canada
Brand - 品牌:MACH ONE
Description - 產品敘述:






Peter Mach 在他的祖國-捷克斯洛伐克學習樂器圖案製作的時候,他就為製琴者的製琴工藝深深吸引. 1969年移民到加拿大以後,.他就開始拜師於捷克製琴者Joseph Kun 開始學習這項他仰慕已久的技藝.1976,peter進入克里蒙那國際製琴學校學習.1980年畢業以後, 他在加拿大魁北克的Aylmer開辦了自己的工作室,繼續從事提琴和弓的製作及維修.


1997, Peter 創立了Match one肩墊.這是市場不使用楓木做原料的木質肩墊. 它的另一個特點就是採用了人體工學的”S”型環抱肩膀. Match one的特徵在於造型簡單,但是長寬都可以進行調整.它的夾腳是按最小琴的尺寸製做,由單片尼龍鑄造而成. 音樂家們都喜歡這種和樂器相匹配的木料原色. 有些演奏者還發現,本品還能起到美化琴的聲音的作用.


由螺絲為支撐, 頂部注入軟橡膠. 這個簡單而獨特的設計,可以包裹住琴的邊緣部分而不觸碰到背板和側板


While Peter Mach has always been fascinated by the luthier's art, he was initially trained as a pattern maker in his native Czechoslovakia before turning to instrument making. After immigrating to Canada in 1969, he studied the art under Joseph Kun, a fellow Czech and a luthier and bow maker. In 1976, he enrolled in the international school of violin-making in Cremona, Italy. After graduating in 1980, he opened his own shop in Aylmer, Quebec, where he continues making and repairing string instruments and bows.



In 1997, Peter Mach developed the Mach One Shoulder Rest for violin and viola. The first wooden rest on the market hand-crafted out of maple, the rest features an ergonomic “S” shape that hugs the shoulder. The Mach One features a simple but fully adjustable design for width and height. The attaching feet are molded out of a single piece of nylon with minimal contact with the instrument. Musicians like the natural look of the wood, which matches the back of the instrument. Some players have noticed that the rest actually improves the sound of their instruments.