Bedocchi Mario的詳細介紹 返回
Bedocchi Mario   1880~1955
Modelli scuola classica cremonese. Bella vernice color ambra gialla o rosso bruna o rosso brillante. Lavoro dal 1897 al 1948. Buona scelta del legno, buona sonorita. Ottenne ambiti premi a Londra, Padova, Roma. Nel 1937 fu presente a Cremona alla Mostra Concorso del Bicentenario Stradivariano con tre violini e una viola.
Born at Reggio Emilia (Italy), 1880. Self-taught.
Satisfactory Cremonese modelling and workmanship nothing of questionable merit. Discretion exercised in the application of good texture varnish; various shades from yellow to brilliant red. As time advances, many examples will find enthusiastic admirers.
Work from 1897 to 1948. First instrument dated 1897. Produced 200 violins, 12 violas, 8 ’cellos, and 8 double-basses up to year 1948. Good choice of wood, good sound. Received awards areas in London, Padua, Rome. In 1937 he was present at the Cremona Exhibition Competition Stradivari Bicentenary of three violins and a viola.
1880年出生於義大利的Reggio Emilia。自學做琴,有著令人滿意的克里蒙那派的外型,作工毫無挑剔之處。謹慎的研究使用不同性質的漆,有著多樣化的顏色,從黃色到亮紅皆有。隨著時間的增長,不少作品都有熱中的愛好者。