Vittorio Bellarosa的詳細介紹 返回


Made in - 產地:Italy - Naples                                                                   


Year - 年份:1907-1979


Narrate - 敘述:


Vittorio Bellarosa was born in Naples, Italy February 24, 1907, the son of Ricardo Bellarosa, himself a prominent violin maker. V. Bellarosa grew up surrounded with the tools of violin making and the instruments themselves, which no doubt helped his prolific career. Before returning to Naples in the 1920s, Bellarosa had already studied in Rotello, Rome, and even Mittenwald.

By 1930, it was apparent there existed a market for older violins rather than new. It was about this time we see the first Gagliano copies. Bellarosa copied the Gagliani well and freqeuntly, for the style and character of the later members of the Gagliani family ideally suited his own manner of working. The long pegboxes and small volutes on the scrolls, the outline, which seems to bulge outward at the upper and lower bouts, and the traditional seedlac varnish of Naples further enhance his violins and reaffirmed his stylistic affinity to the past.

Bellarosa began making his instruments under his own trademark in the 1940s. He died in 1979 at the age of 72 and with his death the great age of modern Neopolitan violin making ended.


Vittorio Bellarosa生於1907年2月24日義大利的Naples,他是Ricardo Bellarosa的兒子,也是個傑出的製琴師。Vittorio Bellarosa成長裡伴隨著製琴的工具,無疑的對他的往後的製琴生涯有著很大的影響。在1920回到Naples之前,Vittorio Bellarosa已經在Rotello,羅馬甚至Mittenwald唸過書。

1930年,很明顯的市場已經變成仿古琴會比新琴還要好。這段其實我們可以看見他早期仿製Gagliano的作品。Vittorio Bellarosa仿製Gagliani的作品都相當不錯,而他也從中找到在製琴上自己的方法。在這段期間我們可以從他的琴頭以及鑲線以及他所適用的傳統油漆看出他的個人特色。

Vittorio Bellarosa一直到1940期間才開始製作自己的作品,他死於1979年,享年72歲。





作 品 特 色:













Vittorio Bellarosa 1949, Naples
















Vittorio Bellarosa 1971, Naples