Giacinto Bertolazzi的詳細介紹 返回



Made in - 產地:Italy - Santia & Milano
Year - 年份 : 1910-1956
Narrate - 敘述:



Giacinto Bertolazzi was born June 14, 1910 in Santhia (Piemonte) Italy.
In the year 1915 the family moved to Milan.
After working as an amateur-violinmaker for some time, he went under training of Professor Euro Peluzzi of the Institute Liuteria Eseguita Seguendo Le Teorie Construttive.
His production is impressive; 50 violins, 10 alto violins, 5 celli and more, some according to models of Amati, Stradivarius and Guarneri.
In addition he also made models entirely to his own insight.
Moreover he was highly respected as repairer and restorer and as violin player (he was a good musician).




Giacinto Bertolazzi生於1910年6月14日義大利的Santhia。1915年搬到米蘭居住。


他的作品鮮明,共有50把小提琴,10把中提琴及5把大提琴。而部份所使用的模板是根據Amati, Stradivarius以及Guarneri。






作 品 特 色:












Giacinto Bertolazzi  19~,Milan