Diego Alberto Serrano 的詳細介紹 返回

Made in - 產地:Italy -
Year - 年份:Violin-2007
Certificate - 證書:
Narrate - 敘述:



He was born in 1955 in Havana, Cuba. Before dedicating his life to the violinmaking, he graduated into Natural Science in 1983.He was the pupil of Master Violinmaker Vladimir Pilar in Hradec Kralove, Bohemia from 1985 to 1986. In 1992 he took his diploma at the International Violinmaking School of Cremona under the guidance of Masters Giorgio Cè and Stefano Conia. He worked in the CEE (European Community) workshop in Cremona from 1992 to 1996. During this period and also after he improved his skill under the guidance of Master Gio Batta Morassi.
He gets his inspiration from Classical Cremonese Violinmaking in the working method and also in his models, taking the style of Cremonese antique Masters of the Amati, Guarneri and Stradivari families. His varnish is a warm dark red colour as the first period of Antonio Stradivari.
His workshop is in the historic centre of Corte de Frati, a little village next to Cremona.


Diego Alberto Serrano,1955年生於 Havana。他在這裡向國家藝術學校 (Escuela Nacional de Artes) 的 Evelio Tieles 教授學習小提琴。1985-1986他在 Bohemia Region 的 Radec Kralove 城市師事於製琴大師 Vladimir Pilar。1992年,正式從克里蒙那的專業國際協會 Antonio Stradivari 畢業並取得製琴師資格。他當時師事於 Giorgio Ce 和 Stefano Conia 大師。同時他也在 Lombardy Region 的課程中取得他的製弓師文憑。

從1992至1996年,他在克里蒙那的 CEE (European Community) 工作室中製琴。從這段期間開始,他在大師 Gio Batta Morassi 的指導下,不斷精進其製琴技術及技巧,他的樂器在不同的市場都受到廣大的歡迎及需求,像是日本、台灣、美國、瑞士、德國、法國、英國和義大利。

他的工作室位在克里蒙那的一個小鎮 Court of Frati (Corte dè Frati) 的歷史中心入口處。

他製作小提琴、中提琴和大提琴的技巧,主要是根據古典克里蒙那傳統來製作,不僅是製琴技術上,他也同時融入了古典克里蒙那大師們的風格,如 Amati、Guarneri 以及 Stradivari 家族。他的漆料是一種油與松香的合成品,帶點溫和的紅褐色。






作 品 特 色: