美國頂級松香:Andrea Rosin(Solo系列)的詳細介紹 返回



商品品牌: Andrea Rosin


Andrea Rosin was first introduced in 2002 as Tartini Rosin. Tartini Rosin was quickly recognized as distinct among rosins by world renowned string players and string lovers, leading to great demand and worldwide distribution. In September 2005, Andrea Bang introduced an upgraded version called "Andrea," which was designed to provide even more sensitive and sophisticated sound enhancement than "Tartini."

Andrea rosin is re-introduced with improved performance, and a new look. Andrea Rosin is now available for violin, viola or cello in two styles – "Solo" and "Orchestra." "Solo" rosin provides powerful, yet sensitive sound for the soloist. It enables maximized projection and extra clear bow articulation. "Orchestra" rosin is designed to provide a more blended sound for ensemble playing, without sacrificing clarity or articulation. We are sure that this new rosin will please and satisfy countless string players.

Andrea 松香原名為Tartini Rosin2002年一上市以來,,即廣受到世界著名提琴演奏家以及愛樂者的喜愛。爾後研發團隊為了追求更加完美的聲音呈現,其間經過不斷的實驗,終於在2005年的九月改良出對於聲音表現更加細膩豐富的新品松香,也正式更名為Andrea Bang

Andrea Rosin 帶著全新的包裝以及更好的品質重新上市,不論是小提琴,中提琴還是大提琴皆有其專屬的Andrea Rosin其中還分為SoloOrchestra兩種,Solo系列是專為獨奏者而設計,松香粉末附著力強,讓聲音格外的清亮,強調聲音的穿透力,但同時又具有敏感纖細的聲線。Orchestra 系列讓聲音較渾圓,較適合樂團使用。