Alessandro Di Matteo的詳細介紹 返回



Made in - 產地:Italy - Cremona
Narrate - 敘述:
 Alessandro Di Matteo graduated at the Academy of Music in Lviv in Ukraine in 1982. Once graduated he assumed the role of first violinist in the Symphonic Orchestra in Yalta, Ukraine. In 1988 he graduated at "Antonio Stradivari" International School of Violinmakers in Cremona, and began his professional career as a violinmaker. His skill was perfected under the guidance of renowned masters such as G. Scolari, S. Conia and A. Krylov.

In 1997 he was awarded 2nd Prize in Violin Section of the Sixth National Competition of Violinmaking in Baveno, Italy, and was also awarded the Special Prize of Casa Editrice Turris for the best sounding violin. Over the years he also took part in many other famous competitions and exhibitions such as the "International Triennal Competition" in Cremona and was awarded notable prizes.

His instruments are appreciated by musicians throughout the world, this is due to the fact that he uses techniques of violin construction adopted by famous violinmaker masters of yester years. He has attained outstanding sound quality comparable to antique musical instruments made by various masters.

Currently he is member of Violinmakers Consortium "Antonio Stradivari" in Cremona and teacher at the International Violinmaking School in Cremona. His workshop is located in Via Damiano Chiesa, 7 in Cremona.


Alessandro Di Matteo 1982畢業至音樂學院。畢業之後他隨即加入交響樂團成為第一小提琴的成員。1988年他畢業於國際製琴學校,且並且開始展開他的製琴生涯。他的技術在大師G. Scolari, S. Conia以及A. Krylov指導之下有許多的成長。

1997年他拿下義大利Baveno第六屆國際製琴比賽的銀牌,並獲得"Casa Editrice Turris"最佳音色獎。之後幾年他也參加許多製琴比賽,像是克里蒙納每三年一次的製琴比賽也都獲得不錯的成績。





