法國老琴-Andrea Castellani.,1760的詳細介紹 返回


Made in - 產地:Italy - Cremona
Year - 年份 : 1968~
Narrate - 敘述:


Andrea Castellani was born in Cervia (Ravenna) on October 6th 1968. He attended the International School of Violin Making Antonio Stradivari in Cremona and in 1993 he graduated from the school. He completed his professional training in 1996 obtaining his diploma in bow making at the end of a two-year course organised by the Regione Lombardia.

After graduating from the school, he worked in the atelier of Massimo Negroni until 1997. The experience he gained allowed him to specialise in the restoration and construction of string instruments, as well as learning and deepening his knowledge of new work techniques and a study of varnishes. In 1998 he moved to Verona to work in the atelier of Igor Moroder and under his guidance he acquired major skills in the restoration of antique instruments and repairing sectors, while continuing the construction and tonal adjustment of new instruments. At the same time he worked with the bow maker Claudio Righetti in constructing modern and baroque bows.

In January 2001 he opened his own workshop in Verona, where he worked for 3 years getting many clients among the musicians of the Arena and making many important repairs for the Accademia Filarmonica.

From 2003 up to now he works in his new workshop in the centre of Cremona where he makes and repairs violins, violas, cellos and their bows, restores antique instruments and, under request, makes copies too. By appointment you can meet him also in Desenzano, on the Lake Garda, where he lives. In the construction of his instruments he has always privileged a search for acoustics as well as an aesthetic aspect, thus obtaining excellent results.

Andrea Castellani生於1968年10月6日的Cervia。他就讀於克里蒙納國際製琴學校並在1993年畢業。他在1996年完成專業訓練並在課程最後兩年獲得製弓的證書。


自學校畢業之後,他在Massimo Negroni的工作室直到1997年。這些經驗使得他能夠在專攻於維修以及製琴方面的技術,以及學習新的技巧跟油漆的調配方式。1998年他搬至Verona並在Igor Moroder的工作室工作,在Igor Moroder的指導之下他的技術也成長許多。同時他也向Claudio Righetti學習製作現代弓 及巴洛克弓。









官方網站: http://www.andreacastellani.it/index.htm

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