Gaspar Borchardt的詳細介紹 返回
Made in - 產地:Italy - Cremona
Year - 年份 : 1961~
Narrate - 敘述:

Gaspar Borchardt, born in 1961, went to Cremona from Germany in 1984 where he later graduated from the International Violin Making School. Much of his knowledge about violinmaking comes from his friend and master Alessandro Crillovi.

Since 1990 he is working together with his wife in his current workshop in Cremona, looking out onto Piazza Duomo, the central square of Cremona. Sibylle Fehr-Borchardt studied for four years with Master Francesco Bissolotti in his workshop. They work for international musicians of all the world and between their customers there are many young soloists and concertmasters.

They use own models and the traditional making system used by Antonio Stradivari and known as "Sistema Cremonese". Being sure that the beauty of the old great instruments is a consequence of acoustical needs, they use outlines, archings and varnish with specific acoustical functions, obtaining surprising outcomes in terms of optical appearence.



Gaspar Borchardt生於1961年,1984年從德國移民至義大利克里蒙納之後畢業至國際製琴學校。他許多製琴的知識都來自他的朋友以及大師Alessandro Crillovi。

1990年起他就跟他的妻子一同在克里蒙納經營他目前的個人工作室,就在克里蒙納大教堂中心廣場的正對面。Sibylle Fehr-Borchardt則是在大師Francesco Bissolotti的工作室學習了4年。他們的客戶有許多國際級的獨奏家以及音樂家或是國際級的音樂大師。


他們習慣使用Antonio Stradivari的模板。可以確認的是,那些美麗的古琴是為了追求完美的聲音而創造出來的。他們使用一些模型草稿以及具有特別的音響功能的油漆,而獲得許多不錯的結果。


相關文章: 義大利製琴協會

