Borja Bernabeu的詳細介紹 返回



Made in - 產地:Italy - Cremona
Year - 年份 : 1971~
Narrate - 敘述:


Borja Bernabeu, was born in Madrid in 1971. After finishing high school in Madrid he enrolled at the University of Saint Louis in Missouri (U.S.), and graduated in 1994 with Bachelor of Science degree in business administration. Upon completing his university studies he began to focus on his true passion: building and restoring stringed musical instruments. In 1997 he received a diploma from the Red Wing Technical College in Minnesota for Guitar repair and building. In the following year he moved to Schio, Vicenza. There he worked for Manne Guitars where he repaired and built guitars. In 1998 he moved to Cremona to study at the Antonio Stradivarius School of Violin Making of Cremona.

He learned building and restoration mainly from Lorenzo Marchi. In 2001, in a project involving the  school, the City Council of Cremona and the Stradivarian museum, he built a reconstruction of an original   mandolin  by Antonio Stradivari. The copy of thisinstrument is now a part of the permanent collection of the museum Stradivariano of Cremona, a museum that exhibits a collection of tools, forms, templates and manuscripts once owned by Stradivari, as well as a selection of Italian historical instruments.

 In the year 2001 Mr. Bernabeu graduated from the Violin Making School in Cremona earning the Violin Maker diploma. Immediately after graduating he did some training in the shop of Silvio Levaggi. In 2002 he worked for a short period in the shop of Alberto Giordano in the town of Genoa.

Mr. Bernabeu builds and restores violins, violas and cellos. The work of Mr. Bernabeu is inspired by the old classic instruments of the Cremonese tradition, from makers like Stradivari, Guarneri and Amati, and interpreted with his own personal style. Mr. Bernabeu builds a very limited number of instruments a year so he can focus on quality of sound and workmanship. He has participated with success in several international violin making competitions and has received different awards at these. In 2006, at the Violin Society of America violin making competition, he received two silver medals for violin and viola and in 2008 he received a certificate of merit for viola. He resides and works in Cremona where he has a shop located on via Divizioli 2/B.


Borja Bernabeu生於1971年的馬德里。高中畢業後在馬德里,他就讀美國密蘇里州聖路易斯大學,並於1994年畢業取得工商管理學士學位。完成了大學學業之後,他開始把重點放在他的真正的興趣:製作以及維修弦樂器。 1997年,他收到了來自明尼蘇達州Red Wing技術學院的邀請,吉他維修和製作。在第二年,他搬到Vicenza的Schio。他在曼尼吉他維修以及製作吉他。 1998年,他搬到克里蒙納並到Antonio Stradivarius製琴學校就讀。他向Lorenzo Marchi學習製琴以及維修。 2001年他受到克里蒙納的學校、市議會以及Stradivarian博物館,他以Stradivari的模板製作了一把曼陀林。該作品組成的零件的原型被永久收藏在克里蒙納Stradivariano博物館以及義大利歷史博物館。他在2001年畢業 並取得小提琴製作文憑。之後他立即到Silvio Levaggi的商店街展開製琴的訓練。 2002年,他曾短期在熱內亞Alberto Giordano的一個小鎮工作過。


他製作以及維修大中小提琴。他工作的靈感來自一些克里蒙納傳統的古老樂器,像是Stradivari, Guarneri以及Amati或是他個人的一些靈感。Bernabeu每年制作的提琴都是限量的,因此他才可以專注於每把琴聲音的質量以及他的手工精細度。他參過許多製琴比賽,也拿過許多獎項。2006年他參加美國製琴協會的製琴比賽中在小提琴以及中提琴項目共獲得兩面銀牌。2008年他獲得中提琴製作優秀的證書。目前他定居以及工作克里蒙納,他的個人工作室在via Divizioli的地下二樓。


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