Elena Bardella的詳細介紹 返回



Made in 產地:Italy - Cremona 


Narrate 敘述:


Elena Bardella completed her diploma as a Master violinmaker at the International School of Violinmaking in Cremona (1980-1984) under the guidance of M. Giorgio Cè. From 1986 to 1988 she followed a regional violinmaking course with M. Walter Leoni at the F.P. Centre.

In 1982 she won a prize for the youngest participating violinmaker at the Italian Bagnacavallo Competition, and in 1987 she participated in the 3rd Ortona Biennal "Liuteria del Mezzogiorno" (Violinmaking of Southern Italy).

Her violin was classified 25th in the 5th International Triennal "A. Stradivari" in Cremona in 1988 and in 1989 her violin arrived in 14th place in the 2nd Baveno Competition. She entered the 6th International Violinmaking Triennal "A. Stradivari" in Cremona with a viola which arrived in the 11th place. In the national Bagnacavallo Competition in 1996 she won second prize with a violin.


Within the Cremonese violinmaking sector she has collaborated in various initiatives and in the organization of several violinmaking journals.

She employs a classical construction technique derived from sixteenth and seventeenth Centuries models, showing in her style contemporary inspiration from the twentieth Century makers.

Elena Bardella在1980-1984年就讀於克里蒙納製琴學校並在M. Giorgio Cè.指導下畢業取得文憑。他在1986-1988年期間在F.P中心參加了M. Walter Leoni所開設的提琴製作課程。


他在1982年贏得Bagnacavallo製琴大賽的最年輕的參賽者,1987年他參加Ortona Biennal "Liuteria del Mezzogiorno"。他的作品在1988年被展示在每三年一次的"A. Stradivari"。1989年則是展示在Baveno的製琴比賽。之後他的中提琴也被展示在"A. Stradivari"。他在1996年贏得Bagnacavallo製琴比賽的銀牌。





官方網站: http://www.elenabardella.it/




作 品 特 色: