Dacquati Riccarda的詳細介紹 返回




Made in - 產地:Italy - Cremona
Year - 年份 : 1971~
Narrate - 敘述:
 Dacquati Riccarda, she was born in Cremona in 1971. She graduated from the International Violinmaking Institute of Cremona in 1991, under the guidance of Master Giorgio Scolari.

After that, she trained in Masters Giorgio and Daniele Scolari's workshop. She opened her workshop in Cremona, in 1997.

She took part in competitions such as Bagnacavallo and the Violin Society of America, and she was admitted to the VIII Triennale in Cremona.

She has great care and attention for details, expecially for the acoustics and for the wood's choice. From 1997 she's been working in Maestro Giorgio Scolari's workshop.

她1971年生於克里蒙納。在大師Giorgio Scolari的指導之下在1991年畢業於義大利國際製琴學校。



他在很多細節都會特別注意,尤其是音響結構以及木材的選擇。自1997年他就在Giorgio Scolari的工作室工作。



來源: http://www.cremonaliuteria.it/liutaioeng.php?id=14

官方網站: http://www.dacquati.com/