Sandro Asinari的詳細介紹 返回



Made in - 產地:Italy - Cremona
Year - 年份 : 1969~
Narrate - 敘述:

Sandro Asinari was born in Casalmaggiore in province of Cremona on the 23rd of September 1969. At the age of fourteen he decided to attend the International Violinmaking School of Cremona in order to satisfy the natural attraction he felt toward the manual work.

He had as masters Massimo Negroni first and Wanna Zambelli later. In 1987 he got the diploma and after that he worked in the Workshop School C.E.E. in Cremona, guided by Master GioBatta Morassi, whose advises he could follow for more than three years. He opened then his workshop in Cremona in 1991. In the meantime he takes part to many national and international competitions, such as Bagnocavallo, Cremona, Mittenwald, Parigi, Mosca, Poznam, Nachold and Baveno, where in 1991 he got the second prize with silver medal in violin section and also the Prize "Berta" for the best young finalist at the competition. In 1993 in Baveno he got the first prize in violin section. In 1995 he won the silver medal getting the second prize in viola section in Baveno and the price "Turris" for the best sound in the competition. In 1996 he is finalist in violin section in Bagnocavallo. In 1997 he won the bronze medal and the prize "Pro-Loco" for the best violinmaking of the competition in Baveno. In 2001 he won the prize "Conia" for the best varnish in the VIII Violinmaking Competition in Baveno.

He collaborated with the Violinmaking School in Cremona teaching to the higher courses students the head cutting of instruments.

His production now is inspired by the great masters of the ancient Cremonese tradition, without forgetting style creativity and personality.


 Sandro Asinari出生於1969年9月23日,克里蒙納的Casalmaggiore。他在14歲的時候至克里蒙納國際製琴學校就讀。

他先後與Massimo Negroni及Wanna Zambelli學習。1987年他畢業後就在克里蒙納的學校工作室工作。而在大師GioBatta Morassi的建議之下他在那裡多留了三年。他在1991年開設了自己的個人工作室,同時也在參加許多製琴比賽,像是Bagnocavallo, Cremona, Mittenwald, Parigi, Mosca, Poznam, Nachold 以及 Baveno,也在那時獲得第二名以及獲"Berta"「最佳新秀」這個獎項。1993年他在Baveno比賽中獲得小提琴第一名。1995年在Baveno比賽獲得中提琴第二名以及"Turris"最好聲音這個獎項。1996年在Bagnocavallo比賽中進入決賽。1997年他獲得第三名以及"Pro-Loco"「最佳小提琴製琴師」這個獎項。2001年他在Baveno第八屆小提琴製作比賽中獲得"Conia"「最佳漆」這個獎項。






相關文章: 義大利製琴協會



作 品 特 色:






Sandro Asinari  2000 , Cremona