Gorr Eduardo Angel的詳細介紹 返回



Made in - 產地:Italy - Cremona                                                                   


Year - 年份:1965~


Narrate - 敘述:



Gorr Eduardo Angel was born in Las Rosas, Argentina, on January 17th 1965. In 1982 he graduated from the "Technical Highschool 'General San Martin'", in Rosario, Argentina. In the same period, he started studying violin and violinmaking at "The Music Civic School", in Rosario, under the guide of Masters Jorge Garcia and Aurelio Puccini. In 1984, he attended violinmaking classes at National University of Tucuman, under the guide of Master Alfredo Del Lungo (from Florence) until 1985, when he decided, suggested by Master Del Lungo himself, to move to Italy to attend the International Violinmaking School of Cremona.
After a year of this school, he decided to concentrate himself on making baroque instruments and on studying about 'viola da gamba', at the Civic Music School of Milan with Master Robert Gini.

In 1991, he won a silver medal for his viola at "6th Violinmaking International Three-yearly Exhibition 'Antonio Stradivari'" in Cremona.

In 1992 he won a gold medal "P. Contavalli" for his viola d?amore in the violas section and he also got a recognition in the violins section at "15th Two-yearly Modern Artistic Violinmaking National Season", in Bagnacavallo, Italy.

In 1993, he was invited by the "Academie de Musique Ancienne" of Moncontour (France) to exhibit his instruments inside the Festival for the 350th anniversary of Monteverdi's death; in that occasion, he held a conference about "the construction of Italian Renaissance violas".

In 1996, he won the first prize at the Competition organized by the Consortium of ViolinMakers "Antonio Stradivari" CREMONA, called "A violin for a musician".
On April 1997, he held a conference at the "Music Conservatory" of Vicenza, Italy, about "the organic evolution of violins and bowed instruments from baroque world to modern world", inside the space "Space and music", in the same town, organized by its City Hall and by the Association "Ensemble '700".

On July 1997, he held a conference about baroque and modern violinmaking, invited by the "J.S. Bach Permanent Festival" in Rosario, Argentina.
Since 1997 he is a member of laboratory Masters of the "Intesa Project - Violinmaking Course", organized by the Training Professional Center of Lombardy Region and by the International Violinmaking School of Cremona.
In 2001 he won a Nomination in the "sound" category at the Violin Society of America Competition, U.S.A.


他生於1965年1月17日阿根廷的Las Rosas。1982年他畢業於阿根廷Rosario的技術學校。同時期他就讀於阿根廷Rosario的製琴學校並在大師Jorge Garcia 以及Aurelio Puccini的門下學習。1984年他參加Tucuma國立大學的製琴課程,在大師Alfredo Del Lungo門下學習直到1985年,之後便在Alfredo Del Lungo的建議之下搬到義大利並就讀克里蒙納國際製琴學校。

經過一年的就讀之後,他決定專注於巴洛克樂器的製作,並在米蘭市立音樂學校與大師Robert Gini研究古大提琴。


1992年,參加P. Contavalli獲得中提琴項目金牌,並在第十五屆義大利Bagnacavallo國際現代藝術提琴節中所展出的小提琴獲得表揚。

1993年,受到Academie de Musique Ancienne邀請至法國Moncontour參加蒙台威爾第350年逝世紀念日所舉辦的展覽中展出他的作品,同時他也受邀參加討論"義大利文藝復興時期中提琴的製作"的研討會。










資料來源: http://www.cremonaliuteria.it/liutaioeng.php?id=26


個人網站: http://www.eduardogorr.com/