Commendulli Alessandro的詳細介紹 返回




Made in - 產地:Italy - Cremona
Year - 年份 : 1977~
Narrate - 敘述:




Commendulli Alessandro was born in Cremona in 1977. He graduated at the International Violinmaking School "Antonio Stradivari" in Cremona in 1995 under the guidance of Masters Massimo Negroni, Stefano Conia and Giorgio Scolari.

He improved his stylistic technique with the assistance of Master Daniele Tonarelli, with whom he's been sharing a workshop in the centre of Cremona. He takes inspiration by the great tradition of classic Cremonese art. He uses brilliant and transparent varnishes and pays particular attention to the material choice, such as to the sound quality.

He took part to the 10th Triennal International Competition of the String Instrument "A. Stradivari" with a violin in 2003.

In 2004 he attended the masterclass of "Making copies & Antiquing" made by the master Samuel Zygmuntowicz and the masterclass of "Set up" made by the master Christian Bayon.


他生於1977年的克里蒙納。他於1995年在Massimo Negroni, Stefano Conia以及Giorgio Scolari的指導下畢業於義大利克里蒙納國際製琴學校。


他個人技術的進步來自於Daniele Tonarelli的教導。他的靈感很多都來自於克里蒙納傳統的古老藝術。他使用精緻且透明的油漆,且花了相當多的時間在模板上的選擇,就像聲音的質量。


他在2004年參加Samuel Zygmuntowicz的大師班"古琴製作"以及Christian Bayon的大師班"提琴組裝"。


