Roberto Cavagnoli 的詳細介紹 返回




Made in - 產地:Italy - Cremona


Year - 年份:1975~


Narrate - 敘述:



Roberto Cavagnoli was born in 1975, July 8.  Since he was a child, he developed the passion for the music, playing a clarinet in a local band. He attended a lot of concerts and competition.
When he was 14, he subscribes at the international School of violin Maker "Antonio Stradivari" in Cremona, displaying great bent
for carving wood. He graduated in 1993 under the guidance of M° Giorgio Scolari.
After the school he spent many years of training in Angelo Sperzaga's workshop, where he improved manual dexterity and style on classical Cremonese models whit particular attention for brush - painting.
Then, between 1998 and 2000, he worked in the M° Barbara Piccinotti's workshop. He took care of clean lines, imprinted a
sound research and he developed a personal style.In 2001 he received an offer overseas. So, he went in Australia where he had the opportunity to work with M° Jeams W. Robinson. He made his own the necessary shrewdness for a fine instruments set - up. He deeper the sound research.
In 2003 he participated at 10th Cremona Triennal with a viola and cello with excellent results.
In 2004 he won a Silver Medal for the cello tone at the V.S.A.
Competition in Portland (Oregon) U.S.A.
He is a member of the " Consorzio Liutai A. Stradivari" of Cremona,of the A.L.I. and the V.S.A.
Today Roberto works in his own workshop in the centre of Cremona, via Pecorari 5, and he makes violins, violas and cellos, following the antique Cremonese tradition.


Roberto Cavagnoli生於1975年7月8日。


在他14歲的時候他進入克里蒙納製琴學校就讀,並展現他在雕刻上面驚人的天份。在大師Giorgio Scolari指導下他再1993年畢業。

畢業之後他在Angelo Sperzaga的工作室學習了好幾年,他在那裡增加了自己在手工上面的熟練度以及在上油漆部分樹立古典克里蒙納的風格。之後在1998到2000年間他在Barbara Piccinotti的工作室工作,他特別注重鑲線的部份也建立起自己的個人風格。

2001年他決定出國至澳洲並獲得跟Jeams W. Robinson學習的機會。他在組裝提琴方面有一套自己的方法。

