Samuel Zygmuntowicz 的詳細介紹 返回




Made in - 產地:America
Year - 年份 : 1956~
Narrate - 敘述:



Samuel Zygmuntowicz (born 1956) is a contemporary luthier. He began his instrument making training when he was thirteen years old and studied making and restoration under Peter Prier, Carl Becker and Rene Morel.

Zygmuntowicz was born in Philadelphia and is a graduate of the Violin Making School of America in Salt Lake City. Later he received five years of additional training in the restoration workshop of Jacques Français and René Morel. Since 1985 he is based in Brooklyn, New York, often making replicas of classic instruments.[1]

Isaac Stern owned two of his violins. After Stern died in 2001, both violins were sold at a Tarisio auction in 2003. Each violin surpassed the previous record for the highest price paid for a string instrument by a living maker at auction.[2] One of the instruments sold in 2003 was a Guarneri-model violin made by Zygmuntowicz in 1994 for Stern. That 1994 violin currently holds the record for the highest price paid for a string instrument by a living maker at auction. The violin was sold by Tarisio for US$130,000.[3]

In their 2008 recording of Bach fugues, the Emerson String Quartet all played Zygmuntowicz instruments.



Samuel Zygmuntowicz (生於1956年) 是一位當代的製琴師。他30歲開始學習樂器的製作與維修並在Peter Prier, Carl Becker以及Rene Morel指導之下學習。

Samuel Zygmuntowicz生於美國費城,畢業於鹽城湖的製琴學校。之後他又在Jacques Français以及René Morel的工作接受為期5年的提琴維修學習。1985年起他就定居在紐約布魯克林區,從事古琴的複製製作。

小提琴大師Isaac Stern有兩把他的作品。Isaac Stern死於2001年,之後他的琴便從2003年開始在拍賣會Tarisio上面拍賣。這兩把琴的價錢都創下當代製琴師的拍賣金額紀錄。其中一把製作給Stern,1994年製作使用瓜奈里版模的作品。這把琴目前還是當代製琴師的拍賣金額最高紀錄。那把琴在Tarisio以13萬美金成交。



文章來源: 維基百科

