Gastaldi Marco Maria的詳細介紹 返回



Made in - 產地:Italy - Cremona
Year - 年份 : 1969~
Narrate - 敘述:

Marco Maria Gastaldi was born in Cuneo(Italy) in 1969. He studied at "Civica Scuola di Liuteria" in Milan under
the direction of Masters Luca Primon and Gabriele Negri, obtaining his Diploma in 1994.

Since 1991 he has been living in Cremona where he attended the Bowmaking Course of Regione Lombardia held by masters
Giovanni Lucchi, Germano Santi and Daniel Navea Vera. He was graduated Bowmaker in 1996.

In October 2000 he took part at the IX Triennale di Strumenti ad Arco "Antonio Stradivari" of Cremona. His Viola was exposed together with the best instruments in competition
chosen for the Triennale Exhibition.
In November 2000 he obtained the Certificate of Merit for Violin Workmanship at the "14th International Competition and Exhibition" held in Cincinnati by the Violin Society of America.


Marco Maria Gastaldi 1969年生於義大利的Cuneo。他就讀米蘭的Civica Scuola di Liuteria並在Luca Primon以及Gabriele Negri的指導之下於1994年畢業。

自1991年起他就定居於克里蒙納在那裡參加Regione Lombardia的製弓課程,並在Giovanni Lucchi, Germano Santi以及Daniel Navea Vera指導之下於1996年取得製弓師的資格。





