Leonidas Rafaelian的詳細介紹 返回




Made in - 產地:Italy - Cremona


Narrate - 敘述:




Leonidas Rafaelian is one of the most well knownn violinmakers in Cremona, where for many years now,  he has operated a workshop in the historic center of the city.
Born in Athens, he began playng violin at the age of seven and attended music school under the tutelage of Ruben Avetisian and Kima Bagdasarian.

From 1968 to 1970, he performed with thr RT symphonic orchestra of Yerevan and graduated with a diploma in viola from the Conservatory of that Armenian capital under the guidance of Prof. Hacop Sandalghian. The following year, he began to perform with the symphonic orchestra of Miskolc, Hungary.
In 1991 he moved to Italy and became for to study with M° Gio Batta Morassi.

Leonidas received his diploma as violinmaker in 1995 under the guidance of M° Giorgio Scolari and since then has partecipated in various violimaking competitions and won prestigious prizes, including the 1998 Internationall Tchaikovsky Competition in Moscow and in 1999 and 2001 at the National competition in Baveno (Italy) with silver medals.

Leonidas has collaborated with many musicians: David Oistrakh, Dimitri Sostakovich, Aram Khatchatourian, July Jankelevich, Leonid Kogan, Jakkob Flier, Boris Goldstein, Svjatoslav Richter, Melik Bashaev, Manuk Parikian, Zare Saakiantz.

From M° Mstislav Rostropovich, he built a cello modelled on the "Storioni 1760", for Zakhar Bron, violin model Guarneri 1739 and for David Geringas, copy cello "Storioni 1760". M° Rostropovich performed Joseph Haydn's C-major concerto on a cello made by Leonidas Rafaelian, in Cremona, the 9th of October 2004, in Bari, the 11th of October 2004. For Maxim Vengerov and Shlomo Minz, he made two violins, modelled Stradivari "Kreutzer 1727" and Guarneri del Gesù "Vieuxtemps 1741". He has collaborated with, there are the great pedagogue Z. Bron, his pupils M. Vengerov and V. Repin, O. Maisenberg, V. Spivakov, J. Bashmet, J. Rachlin and N. Znaider and many others more: M. Maisky, G. Kremer, D. Geringas, B. Belkin, D. Swarzberg, L. Kavakoos, K. Georgian, G. Nikolic, S. Krylov, N. and A. Boyarsky.



Leonidas Rafaelian是克里蒙納著名的製琴師之一,他在那裡待了好幾年,並在市中心開設自己的工作室。


生於希臘雅典,他7歲開始學小提琴,並進入Ruben Avetisian以及Kima Bagdasarian的音樂學校就讀。他加入Yerevan交響樂團並在大師Hacop Sandalghian的指導之下於亞美尼亞音樂學校取得中提琴畢業文憑。接下來幾年,他任職於匈牙利Miskolc交響樂團。

1991年他搬到義大利,並在Gio Batta Morassi門下學習。

1995年在Giorgio Scolari指導之下取得製琴師畢業文憑,之後便參加許多製琴比賽,也都獲得不錯的成績,包括1998年莫斯科柴可夫斯基國際競賽,以及1999和2001年的義大利Baveno國際製琴比賽銀牌。


Leonidas和許多音樂家合作過:David Oistrakh, Dimitri Sostakovich, Aram Khatchatourian, July Jankelevich, Leonid Kogan, Jakkob Flier, Boris Goldstein, Svjatoslav Richter, Melik Bashaev, Manuk Parikian, Zare Saakiantz。

他曾為大提琴大師Mstislav Rostropovich(羅斯托波維奇)製作一把使用Storioni 1760模版的作品。做給小提琴晏奏家家Zakhar Bron的作品則是使用Guarneri 1739的模板。大提琴演奏家David Geringas則是Storioni 1760的模板。大提琴大師Mstislav Rostropovich羅斯托波維奇曾經使用Leonidas Rafaelian在義大利Bari於2004年10月9日以及10月11日演奏海頓的C大調第一號大提琴協奏曲。做給Maxim Vengerov以及Shlomo Minz的作品是使用Stradivari "Kreutzer 1727"以及Guarneri del Gesù "Vieuxtemps 1741"的模板。


和他合作過的演奏家還有:大師Z. Bron以及他的學生M. Vengerov and V. Repin, O. Maisenberg, V. Spivakov, J. Bashmet, J. Rachlin 以及 N. Znaider。其他還有M. Maisky, G. Kremer, D. Geringas, B. Belkin, D. Swarzberg, L. Kavakoos, K. Georgian, G. Nikolic, S. Krylov, N. 以及 A. Boyarsky。



資料來源: http://www.cremonaliuteria.it/liutaioeng.php?id=65


官方網站: http://www.leonidasrafaelian.com/



作 品 特 色:


















Rostropovich Owner of Cello, Copy Storioni 1760, Cremona 2001




圖片來源: http://www.leonidasrafaelian.com/