Luca Salvadori 的詳細介紹 返回



Made in - 產地:Italy - Cremona
Year - 年份 : 1962~
Narrate - 敘述:


Luca Salvadori was born in Poggio Rusco (Mantova), Italy on 1st March 1962. He attended the Goldsmith's Art School for two years . He attended the four-year-course at the violin Making School in Cremona,and he got his Diploma in 1982. 
He gets inspiration from Stradivari models but he also uses personal models,thus obtaining good results in National and International Competitions.
"For the first ten years after graduation, 
 I devoted myself to making violins,violas and cellos,above all,concentrating on improving my technical skills. I got inspiration mainly from the instruments made by Stradivari for the Medicis'Court:as these instruments have hardly ever been played,they have remained almost intact, as if they had  just come out of the great Maestro's workshop." 

"Subsequently I began to take an interest in the work of early 19th century Italian violin makers such as Sgarabotto,Pollastri,Ornati and above all,Garimberti. I was particularly impressed by the elegance and warmth created by a style which was less formal than Stradivari's but equally accurate in the details."
"Today,after 20 years of experience as a professional violin maker,in addition to making instruments inspired by the work of the major luthiers of the early 19th like Garimberti.

I also make antiqued instruments modelled after the most beautiful works of Stradivari.

Luca Salvadori生於1962年3月1日,義大利Mantova的Poggio Rusco。他在Goldsmith藝術學院讀了兩年。之後便在克里蒙納製琴學校念了4年,並在1982年畢業取得文憑。





Luca Salvadori's Career:

In 1990 he won the Silver Award for a violin at "Bagnacavallo Competition";

In 1991 he came 9th for a violin at the 6th Triennale of Cremona;

In 1992 he won the Bronze Award both for a violin and a cello at Bagnacavallo,Ravenna ;

In 1997 he came 12th for a violin at the 8th Triennale of Cremona;

In 1999 he took part in a competition in"Città di Baveno" with a violin and he won the "Pro Loco Award" with the highest score for its handicraft;

In 1999 he took part in "2e Concours International de Lutherie " in Paris, and he came 10th with a violin;

In 2000 he came 5th for a viola at the 9th Triennale of Cremona;

In 2000 he won the Silver Medal for Workmanship for a violin at theVSA Competition in Fort Mitchell (USA);

In 2001 he came 8th for a violin at the International Competition in Mittenwald (Germany);

In 2001 he took part in a competition in"Città di Baveno" with a violin and he won the "Pro Loco Award" with the highest score for its handicraft;

In 2003 he was FINALIST for a violin at the 10th Triennale of Cremona, - 6th place with a special honourable Mention;

In 2004 he won a Certificate of Merit for Workmanship for a violin at the VSA Competition in Portland ( USA );

In 2004 he took part in " Etienne Vatelot " Competition in Paris , and he was finalist 7°place with a violin.


1990年: Bagnacavallo製琴比賽小提琴項目銀牌。

1991年: 第6屆克里蒙納製琴比賽小提琴項目第9名。

1992年: Bagnacavallo製琴比賽小提琴&大提琴項目銅牌。

1997年: 第8屆克里蒙納製琴比賽小提琴項目第12名。

1999年: 法國巴黎"2e Concours International de Lutherie "小提琴項目第10名。

2000年: 第9屆克里蒙納製琴比賽中提琴項目第5名。

2000年: 美國Mitchell VSA製琴比賽小提琴項目銀牌。

2001年: 德國Mittenwald國際製琴比賽小提琴項目第8名。

2001年: Città di Baveno製琴比賽Pro Loco Award獎項,並獲得最高分的榮耀。

2003年: 第10屆克里蒙納製琴比賽決賽,並獲得第6名特別榮譽獎。

2004年: 美國 Portland VSA製琴比賽小提琴項目贏得優秀的殊榮。

2004年: 法國巴黎Etienne Vatelot製琴比賽,小提琴項目決賽第7名。