Frazier Brandon的詳細介紹 返回







Made in - 產地:Maryland


Year - 年份:1974~


Certificate - 證書:


Narrate - 敘述


Frazier Brandon


Brandon Frazier was born January 17, 1974 in Maryland, USA. In 1999, he received a diploma from the International Violin Making School of Parma under the direction of Maestro Renato Scrollavezza.

In September of 2004, he took the masterclasses of Samuel Zygmuntowicz “Making Copies and Antiquing”, Guy Rabut “Set-up and Sound Adjustment” and Hans J. Nebel in “Retouching of Varnish”.

He is a member of ALI and Liuteria Parmense.



Frazier Brandon


1974117日出生於美國Maryland1999年時在Renato Scrollavezza的指導下從Parma國際製琴學校畢業。


20049月參加由Samuel Zygmuntowicz所開設的“Making Copies and Antiquing”課程、Guy Rabut開設的“Set-up and Sound Adjustment”課程和Hans J. Nebel開設的“Retouching of Varnish”課程,他是ALILiuteria Parmense的成員。


資料來源: 個人網站