Merlini Giuliano的詳細介紹 返回




Made in - 產地:Italy

Year - 年份:1965~

Certificate - 證書:

Narrate - 敘述 

Giuliano Merlini was born in Florence in 1965. He made his first violin at the age of sixteen as a self-taught maker. When he was seventeen he participated in a course of classical guitar construction organized by the Council of Florence with the collaboration of the master violinmaker Carlo Vettori.

In 1987 he became a pupil of master Renato Scrollavezza at the A. Boito Music School of Parma. After completing his diploma in 1992 he worked for two years in master Carlo Vettori’s workshop where he furthered his knowledge of old instruments and the various Italian and foreign schools.

In 1994, 2001 and 2002 he held a course on maintenance and repair of string instruments, in Ortonovo (La Spezia). Since 1996 he works for the theatre of Firenze as restorer of double basses.

He makes violins, violas, cellos, double basses, modern and Baroque bows as well as dedicating himself to restoration and instrument set-ups maintaining their original characteristics. He currently lives and works in Florence.


Merlini Giuliano


1965年出生於Florence,在16歲時他透過自學的方式,做出了生命中第一把提琴,當他17歲時,他參加了由Council of Florence和提琴製琴師Carlo Vettori開辦的古典吉他構造講座。1987年他進入A. Boito Music School of Parma並成為Renato Scrollavezza的學生,在1992年畢業之後,他加入Carlo Vettori的製琴工作室工作了兩年,並藉此更精進自己的知識和技術。


199420012002他在Ortonovo (La Spezia)舉辦了幾場關於提琴修復和保養的講座。

1996年迄今,在Firenze劇場擔任Double Bass的修琴師。




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