Brugere Charles Georges的詳細介紹 返回




Made in - 產地:France , Paris


Year - 年份:1979~


Certificate - 證書:本人


Narrate - 敘述


Brugere Charles Georges


Born at Mirecourt 1865.Son of Charles Joseph.Apprenticed to Etienne Drouin at Mirecourt 1878.Worked with Paul Blanchard at Lyons 1881.Also studied with Paul Bailly at Paris.Worked for Gand and Bernardel 1885-1892.Managed the business of Eugene Henry for three years.Established own workshop 1895;employed three assistants.Retired from business 1920;went to live at Mirecourt but occasionally gave to the world other examples of his skill.Died 1930.

Produced about 250 Stradivarius and Amati models-the former preponderating.Workmanship unquestionably neat and precise.Scroll and sound-holes finely suggestive of a maker who idolizes and accurately visualizes the chosen prototype.Wood always of the finest and prettiest.Oil varnish of various shades-principally orange-red but also yellow and yellow-brown.Very powerful tone gradually ripening in quality.Exhibited a double quintet of instruments at Lyons 1894 received the first silver medal.

Brugere Charles Georges


1865年出生於Mirecourt,父親是Charles Joseph

1878年以學徒的身分跟隨Etienne Drouin學習。

1881年和Paul Blanchard一起在Lyons工作,同時在巴黎跟隨Paul Bailly學習。


1892-1895Eugene Henry管理他的事業。





使用StradivariusAmati的模型製作了約莫250把的作品,Brugere Charles Georges的手藝工整而且準確,透過作品上琴頭和F孔的造型,顯示出對StradivariusAmati模型的崇拜跟熱愛,在材料選用上,木材一定要是最好的且紋路最美麗的,漆料主要以橙紅色為主,但其中又帶點褐黃色,透過材料品質的提升,作品所表達的音色也逐漸成熟,不但強而有力而且能夠表達出多層次的聲響。

