Thomas Schmitt的詳細介紹 返回




Made in - 產地:Italy - Milano


Year - 年份:1961~


Certificate - 證書:本人


Narrate - 敘述


Thomas Schmitt was born on the 15th of July 1961 at Bad-Kreuznach.
After several years dedicated to carpentry in Germany he moved to Italy in 1986 where he attended the Parma Violinmaking School (1986-1990)
In 1990 he also attended the second year of the course for professional formation of the Lombardy Region of Milan held by Tizziano Rizzi.
In 1991 to 1993 he worked in the workshop of Eugen Sticht in Mainz and from 1992 to 1993 he attended the professional school in Bad-Kreuznach.
In 1993 to 1994 he worked as a violinmaker in Mathias Tödtmann's workshop in Hamburg.

In 1994 to 1999 he worked as a violinmaker in Hamburg in Reinhard Fischer's workshop concentrating on restoration and reconstruction of nord alpin Violin Making and Bows working methods of the 15th -16th Century .
From 2000 to 2002 he worked as an indipendant violinmaker in Hamburg.

Since 2003 he has been running his own workshop in Saarbrücken where he specialises on restoration and reconstruction of Instruments of the Violin Family and Bows 15th -16th Century.



Thomas Schmitt


Thomas Schmitt 1961年7月15日出生於Bad-Kreuznach1986年時,他放棄在德國原本的木工事業,轉而前往義大利Parma製琴學院就讀(1986-1990)

1991-1993年,他在Eugen Sticht位於Mainz的工作室中工作,並於1992-1993年時進入Bad-Kreuznach的職業學校就讀。

1993-1994年,他在Mathias Tödtmann's位於Hamburg的工作室中,擔任專業的製琴師傅。

1994-1999年,他在Reinhard Fischer's位於Hamburg的工作室中,致力於修復並重現15-16世紀時的製琴和製弓工藝。

