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Frignani Lorenzo

Lorenzo Frignani was born in Finale Emilia (Modena) on 19th of February 1960. He entered the profession as a self-taught lute maker at the age of 16. In 1986 he qualified as a Master Lute-maker. He has studied with the masters G.Spataffi of Gubbio (Perugia), Otello Bignami of Bologna and Renato Scrollavezza of Parma. He is mainly devoted to the construction of fretted and bow instruments and has received numerous prizes and has gained national and international recognitions. He is also occupied with the restoration, conservation and reconstruction of antique musical instruments, especially historic guitars and bass viola da gamba.

He is the Technical Adviser for musical instruments at the Tribunal of Modena and has been appointed the position of trustee expert at the “Arturo Toscanini” foundation of Parma where he is the acting head of the Symphonic Orchestra of Emilia Romagna. He is Vicepresident of the professional association A.L.I. (ITALY) and member A.L.A.D.F.I. (FRANCE).
He has also been involved in teaching at the F.S.E. course n°166-ob.3/1966 “Operatore Liutario Conservatore” at the School of Artistic Craftsmanship of Centopievese. At present, he is collaborating with the Town Council of Pieve di Cento (BOLOGNA) as Artistic Advisor for existing courses of lutherie and for all other related initiatives.

Lorenzo Frignani has published “Ricercare sull’arte liutaria” for the Town Council of Medolla and Finale Emilia (MODENA).
He has also edited a chapter dedicated to the musical instruments of the classic period (c.1780-1830) in the 1992 Forni publication “Il salotto musicale” and has published a notable text “Chitarre e Mandolini, piccola collezione di strumenti a pizzico italiani del 18° e 19° secolo” in collaboration with Pieve di Cento Town Council and “Musica a Corte e in collezione” in collaboration with Modena Town Council.
He has held exhibitions in Italy, Switzerland and China.


Frignani Lorenzo


1960219日出生於Finale Emilia (Modena)16歲時他靠著自學成為專業的魯特琴作者,並於1986年時被公認為製作魯特琴的大師。他曾經師事多位大師(G.Spataffi of Gubbio (Perugia), Otello Bignami of Bologna and Renato Scrollavezza of Parma)。他投入弓樂器的製作、古董樂器的修復,特別是有歷史的吉他、低音大提琴和中提琴,獲得無數的獎牌,是一位國際認可的大師。

他擔任Tribunal of Modena的樂器技術顧問、帕瑪Arturo Toscanini基金會指定管理人、Symphonic Orchestra of Emilia Romagna的核心人物、專業機構A.L.I. (ITALY)的副董事及A.L.A.D.F.I. (FRANCE)的成員,同時,他也在F.S.EArtistic Craftsmanship of Centopievese授課,目前他以藝術顧問的身分正在與Town Council of Pieve di Cento (BOLOGNA)討論lutherie現存的課程及所以與其相關聯的活動。

Lorenzo Frignani發表了許多的文章,曾替Town Council of Medolla and Finale Emilia (MODENA)出版了“Ricercare sull’arte liutaria”1992 Forni publication “Il salotto musicale”中的一章節(談論關於古典時期1780-1830的樂器)並且在和Modena Town Council的共同研究中發表了值得注意的內容 “Chitarre e Mandolini, piccola collezione di strumenti a pizzico italiani del 18° e 19° secolo” in collaboration with Pieve di Cento Town Council and “Musica a Corte e in collezione”
