義大利中提琴:Vigato Laura, 2005的詳細介紹 返回



Made in - 產地:Italy

Year - 年份:Viola-2005

Certificate - 證書: 有 - 本人

Narrate - 敘述:







Laura Vigato - feced in Brescia l'anno 1958,Laura Vigato具有相當的音量與特有的義大利音色,獨特的上漆技巧和選材,讓他的琴呈現一種相當高貴不凡的氣質! 

Laura Vigato was born in Brescia on 8 February 1958. In 1980 she graduated at the International Violinmaking School in Cremona under the guidance of various masters. In the same year she opened her own workshop in Brescia, the home-town of Gaspare da Salò and Maggini. Here she began dedicating herself to acoustical research following the classical canons of Cremonese and Brescian violinmaking.

Her instruments are destined to young, promising players and important buyers from Japan and the United States. Over the last few years she has spent a lot of time on varnish research. The wood used for her instruments is chosen personally and with extreme care.
Recently a bowmaker has joined her workshop. She enjoys the direct contact with musicians more than participating in competitions.



 Laura Vigato 於 1958 年 2 月 8 日生於 Brescia。1980 年時,畢業於克里蒙那製琴學院,師事過多位大師學習製琴。同年,她在家鄉 Brescia 成立自己的工作室,這裡同時也是 Gaspare da Salò 和 Maggini 大師的家鄉。在此她致力以克里蒙那古典製琴法則研究樂器音色及製琴。

Laura Vigato 的提琴主要針對年輕及具潛力的演奏者,以及來自日本和美國的重要買家。

近幾年,Laura Vigato 花許多時間在琴漆的研究上。她的提琴所使用的木料都是親自用心去仔細挑選的。 比起參加製琴比賽,Laura Vigato 更樂於與音樂家直接接觸,以製作出他們理想中的琴。





Laura  Vigato ,Viola 2008