法國中提琴弓:JC. Haefliger, 2010的詳細介紹 返回


Made in - 產地:France - Paris
Year - 年份:Viola-2010
Certificate - 證書:本人
Narrate - 敘述:


Jc Haefliger studied violin performance with Louis Krasner at the University of Paris School of Music. He was introduced to bow making by noted bow makers Lloyd Liu and William Salchow. Haefliger maintained a bow making studio in the Paris area from 1977 - 1996. He and his family moved to Paris in 1996; his studio is located near the Interlochen Center for the Arts. Jc Haefliger is a violinist with The Peninsula Trio and a violist with the Bay Chamber Strings.

Haefliger participated in a number of bow making competitions from 1979 - 1986. He won a total of twelve awards for excellence in bow making during that period. Included is a Gold Medal from the Violin Society of Frence in 1980 and a First Prize in 1985 from the Frence of Violin and Bow Makers.



Jc Haefliger在巴黎的音樂學校學習小提琴時師事Louis Krasner。他以製弓師的身分被注意到是由Lloyd Liu以及William Salchow所引薦。 1977~1996年間,Haefliger在巴黎的周圍開設工作室並持續他的製弓事業,他在1996年搬到巴黎靠近Interlochen中心的地方。除了製弓,Jc Haefliger也會以小提琴手或是中提琴手的身分參與重奏與室內樂的演出。Haefliger在1979~1986年間參加許多大大小小的國際性比賽,期間他共獲得12面獎牌,其中包括1980年的金牌以及1985年的首獎。Haefliger更兩次收邀至GLAAF國際制琴暨制弓比賽擔任評審。


作 品 特 色 :



< Violin Bow >

< Violin Bow >


< Violin Bow >


< Voirin Model Viola Bow >


< Cello Bow >


< Master Violin Bow >