義大利大提琴:Nicolas Garimberti, 2012 ★★的詳細介紹 返回

Made in - 產地:Italy - Florence
Year - 年份:Cello-2012
Certificate - 證書: 有 - 本人
Narrate - 敘述:


Nicola Garimberti was born in Florence. He studied in Civica Scuola di Liuteria di Milano in 1970.
          He perfected his studies and tecnique at:
          - workshop restauration and varish's retouching with P.F.Sacconi, and Arnaldo Morano
          - masterclass of set-up and sound adjustament with Pupil of Renè Morell
          - workshop about the restoration of fortepiano with Cristopher Clarke
In 1992 he work for National Museum of "Scienza e della Tecnica" in the occasion of riopening of "bottega del liutaio", (Donation of Bisiach Family) .He has contribuited to the realizzation of photos regard the violin making.
He is technical advisor for the authoress Paola Calvettti of Bonpiani publishing house.
He open his personal workshop in Florence in 1997 , were he makes and repair violins, violas, and cellos. He work on personal model ispirated at the classical Italian style and use amber oil varnish.
For passion he take care of fortepianos.


Nicola Garimberti  于1970年出生在義大利佛羅倫薩,在Civica Scuola di Liuteria di Milano學習制琴,他專心在修琴和調音方便提高自己的專業技能。1992年,他為Scienza e della Tecnica國家博物館修復Bisiach家族所捐贈的bottega del liutaio。
作 品 特 色:
提 琴 制 作: