義大利小提琴古琴:Gaetano Pollastri-1949的詳細介紹 返回



Made in - 產地:Italy - Bologna
Year - 年份:Violin-1950
Certificate - 證書: 有 - Eric Blot ★★★
Narrate - 敘述:

Gaetano Pollastri(1886-1960)是Augusto Pollastri的弟弟。Gaetano Pollastri本来是位小提琴演奏家,一次大战过后投入制琴的行业。他跟他的哥哥在via Castiglione的同一家公司工作,这家公司专门在做制造与维修弦乐器等生意。1927年,他在克里蒙纳制琴比赛中获奖。他的哥哥也在那一年逝世,而他则接管了他哥哥的公司。他在接下来的20年制作了相当多的作品,其中也包括他个人捐赠给11代罗马教宗的小提琴。他也从事修复名琴的工作,其中包括Stradivari以及Guarneri等名琴。他在1949年获得荣誉证书。1954年,他在罗马第二届国际小提琴制作大赛中展出两把小提琴以及他的制琴工具,并获得荣誉证书。他非常努力的工作以提升自己在制琴上的专业度,他也是ANLAI的创始者。他的学生包括Cesare Pollastri, Franco Albanelli 以及Otello Bignami。



Pollastri Gaetano
Fratello ed allievo di Augusto
Bologna 1928
Gaetano Pollastri
fece in Bologna
(very fancifully designed)

By the age of 20, Augusto had devoted himself entirely to the activity which had inspired him (violin making), showing remarkable artistic gifts. Towards the end of Raffaele Fiorini's life, Augusto took over the workshop. He quickly became famous as maker and restorer.

By 1927 (the year of his death), Augusto obtained official recognition in his art: the Cross of Merit and Gold Medals at the Geneva Exhibition and the Unted Exhibitions of the "Littriale' in Bologna".[1]

For thirty years Augusto Pollastri managed one of the most important luthier's Atelier in Bologna. After the passing of Raffaele Fiorini, his brother Gaetano Pollastri joined him.

Augusto's production was of an astounding quality and class, but unfortunately not very high in numbers.

Today, Pollastri's instruments are considered legendary and most copied in the world aside from the Classics (Stradivari, Guarnerius etc.). "In fact the number of fake instruments and imitations one could come across is much greater than the number of originals. "

His students include his brother Gaetano Pollastri and Marco Dobresovitch.


Augusto  Pollastri 1877年5月11出生于Bologna。作為Pollastri制琴家族第一人,他很早就在Raffaele Fiorini的工作室開始學習制琴,在Raffaele Fiorini因病不能管理工作室的時候,他以管理工作室為己任,并顯現出非凡的藝術天份。Raffaele Fiorini死后,他接管了位于Bologna的工作室,并在弟弟Gaetano. Augusto的 幫助下管理了30余年,在這期間,他創作了一批質量機高的琴。




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