義大利小提琴:FRANCO ALBANELLI,BOLOGNA,2003的詳細介紹 返回


Made in - 產地:Italy - Bologna
Year :2003
證書:Florian Leonhard
Narrate - 敘述:

Albanelli was born in Castel San Pietro, near Bologna. His workmanship has
always shown a clear inspiration to the Pollastri style and his instruments are now all around the world.
He died in San Lazzaro di Savena in 2007.
He was an Italian violin maker, a pupil of Gaetano Pollastri.





Franco Albanelli(1933-2007)意大利制琴师,制琴师Gaetano Pollastri的学生。
Albanelli出生于意大利埃米莉亚-罗马涅省的Castel San Pietro Terme。
2007年,他逝世于意大利埃米莉亚-罗马涅省的San Lazzaro di Savena。



作 品 特 色:(VIOLIN)



作 品 特 色:(VIOLA)




Franco Albanelli, Bologna, 1973 - viola






Franco Albanelli was a student and follower of Gaetano Pollastri and adhered closely to his master’s models and style. Although producing a relatively small output of around 40 instruments, his craftsmanship and quality rivaled that of Pollastri.

This viola, one of only a handful of violas by this maker, offers Italian quality and sound at an excellent value.