Made in - 產地:比利時 - Bruxelles
Year - 出生:
Certificate - 證書: 本人
Narrate - 敘述:
Pierre Guillaume learnt his craft following world-class masters, BAZIN, MORIZOT, OUCHARD and others, who passed on to him techniques reaching back several centuries. For his bows he uses only the best pernambuco and has been making periodic trips to Brazil since 1982 to select it in person. He has now accumulated a very large stock of wood enough to last him thirty years from which he can choose the most suitable for each bow. Today, the name Guillaume is widely recognised as standing for commitment, bow-making of unequalled quality and authoritative appraisals of old bows. The workshop attracts musicians from Europe ’s largest orchestras (including the Vienna Philharmonic, the London Symphony and the Berlin Philharmonic) and many soloists, such as Joshua Bell, Igor Oistrakh, Yuzuko Horigome, Henrich Schiff and Mischa Maisky, amongst others.) |
Pierre Guillaume 出生於比利時的布魯塞爾,曾與幾位國際知名的大師學習:BAZIN 、MORIZOT, OUCHARD等,傳承了幾個世紀以來最珍貴的製弓技術。
Pierre 只選擇最好的pernambuco作材料,從1982年開始他就定期去巴西親自採購木料, 如今,他所儲藏了的木料已經可以滿足他未來30年做弓的需求!從這些木料中,他可以為每一把弓挑選出最適合製作的款式。
Pierre 是 IPCI 非常積極活躍的成員. IPCI 是一個由專業人士所成立用以宣導保護以及合理使用pernambuco(最佳制弓木料) 的一個機構,現在Guillaume 這個名字已經被人們認為是品質保證的代名詞,高水準制弓工藝的表現以及對古弓的鑑定與維修專業已贏的愛樂者的肯定!
Pierre Guillaume 的工作室,吸引了來自歐洲最大的交響樂團(包括維也納交響樂團,倫敦交響樂團和德國柏林交響樂團)的音樂家們,以及眾多的著名演奏者,比如Joshua Bell, Igor Oistrakh, Yuzuko Horigome, Henrich Schiff 和 Mischa Maisky等等. 附贈原廠手工弓盒!
< P.Guillaume本人製 >
< Special 款式 >
< Tradition française仿古弓 >
< Bernard Maker >